How to generate the time-lapse video by Beagle camera?

Mintion Beagle camera can automatically generate the clean and excellent time-lapse video of 3d printing, but how shall I make this setting? 

First of all, you need to make the Beagle camera to your wifi network, for more detail, please check the quick guide manual or reach the article <Quick Guide of Beagle Camera> for reference. 

(Before moving, if there's new camera firmware, please download the latest one and upgrade the firmware. Please reach the article <How to upgrade the firmware of Beagle camera?>)

Get ready to go

Make sure your Beagle camera and PC are in the same LAN (Local Area Network). 

Sliced the file on your PC

Sliced the model file you want to print on your computer and export as .gcode format.

Check the IP address of the Beagle camera

Check the IP address of the camera.

(Reach this article to check the detail <How to figure out the IP address of Beagle Camera? >)

Access via PC browser

Input the IP address in the browser and log in with the default account and password. 

Connect the 3d printer

After login, please click the Connect button to connect to the 3d printer (It will automatically connect to the 3d printer). 

Select the baud rate and save

Select the correct baud rate of the 3d printer for the communication between the Beagle camera and the 3d printer. 

Select the brand & model of the 3d printer to ensure the printed size

Select your 3d printer brand and model to ensure the printed size is correct because the camera needs to be set precisely the exact coordinates of XYZ with the 3d printer. Otherwise, the printing will be failed. 

If your 3d printer is not in the list, please select "custom" and input your the model and ensure the printed size on setting page. (To check the 3d printer compatibility, please reach this article <3D printers list is on supported in Beagleprint >)

Confirm the Time-lapse video function is enable

Confirm the time-lapse video function is in "ON" status, and you can change the fps and extruder length and speed.  

Upload the gcode file

Click the "Upload" button to upload the .gcode file you just sliced up to the Beagle camera.(The gcode file will store in the micro SD card of camera.) 

Click the gcode file to print

Click the printer icon button to start the file you want to print on Dashboard, and then the printer will start the printing job. Then you will find that the temperature is rising and it will show the printing information.

The Beagle camera has encoded commands to move the X/Y axis aside when one layer is finished, then you will get a clean time-lapse video without the hot end cover. 

Download the time-lapse video when the printing is finished

When the printing is finished, the time-lapse video is also generated automatically. You can download from PC browser and Beagleprint app. 

PC browser

Select the Timelapse Videos then you will find the time-lapse video has been generated and click the download icon to download. 

After download, you can play the video directly. 

Beagleprint app (Mobile phone)

(Please note that, because there're too many Andriod system version in market, some are not supported to play the video yet. But it's normal on Apple, Sumsung, Xiaomi, Huawei new mobile phone.)  

Enjoy and share your video

After download the video, you can easily share the video to Facebook, Tiktok, Instagram or other social media platform. 





couldn’t log in through the ip address it set the username as admin but when i put the password in its incorrect



How can I set the co-ordinated the print surface moves to to take the time lapse image on a Sovol printer? The Beagle camera is at the back of my printer so want the print plate to move fully to the back? I don’t understand the ℹ️ instructions in the App…..

David Martinez

David Martinez

After downloading the time lapse video on an android phone, where is the file stored to use it for tiktok or sharing?



Ca semble être le même problème indiqué sur ce topic :



Downloading the video file only seems to work on the IOS device when the timelapse quality is set to H264. When play it back and save on highest quality (MJPEG) i understand not all devices can play it, but i can not save the file either.




Avez vous un forum ou un truc du même style 🤔
Car j’ai suivi à la lettre sur votre site pour faire des timelapse et impossible que cela se fasse et je ne trouve pas pourquoi j’ai mis la caméra à jour j’arrive bien à imprimer via le téléphone ou le PC mes le timelaps ce fait pas.

Merci d’avance

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